Building HelloWhiznium
cd ${WHIZROOT[_CCH]}/srcrep/hwzd cd _rls/ezdevhwzd_<machine> ./checkout.sh cd [${SYSROOT}]${WHIZROOT}/src/ezdevhwzd ./makeall.sh
cd ${WHIZROOT[_CCH]}/srcrep/hlwz cd _rls/dbshlwz_<machine> ./checkout.sh cd ../hlwzcmbd_<machine> ./checkout.sh cd ../webapphlwz_<machine> ./checkout.sh cd [${SYSROOT}]${WHIZROOT}/src/dbshlwz ./makeall.sh cd ../hlwzcmbd ./make.sh all
Generate acv/hlwz and tmp/hlwz directories
Running HelloWhiznium for the first time
The executable directory for the HelloWhiznium combined engine Hlwzcmbd is ${WHIZROOT}/bin/hlwzcmbd.
Copy the preferences file PrefHlwzcmbd.xml from ${WHIZROOT[_CCH]}/srcrep/hlzw/_ini/hlwzcmbd_<machine> to the executable directory.
Perform some required customizations:
<StgHlwzAppsrv> <Si sref="port"> application server port of choice, e.g. 13100 </Si> <Si sref="https"> true if you would like to use secure communication (see below) </Si> </StgHlwzAppsrv> <StgHlwzcmbd> <Si sref="jobprcn"> number of job processor threads, should be at least 2 and otherwise match the number of cores </Si> ... </StgHlwzcmbd>
- <Si sref="srefIxDbsVDbstype">my</Si>
- ...
- <Si sref="dbsname">DbsHlwz</Si>
- <Si sref="username">mpsitech</Si>
- <Si sref="password">asdf1234</Si>
- <Si sref="ip"></Si>
- <Si sref="port">3306</Si>
- or -
- <Si sref="srefIxDbsVDbstype">lite</Si>
- <Si sref="dbspath">$WHIZROOT/bin/hlwzcmbd/DbsHlwz.sql</Si>
- ...
- <Si sref="acvpath"> $WHIZROOT/acv/hlwz </Si>
- ...
- <Si sref="tmppath"> $WHIZROOT/tmp/hlwz </Si>
- <Si sref="webpath"> $WHIZROOT/web/apphlwz </Si>
- ...
If you would like to use HTTPS for the application server, you need to create a private/public key pair, e.g. using OpenSSL. In the executable directory, run:
openssl genrsa -out server.key 4096 openssl req -days 365 -out server.pem -new -x509 -key server.key
Set up the database:
MySQL database
sudo mysql -p < ${WHIZROOT}/srcrep/hlwz/_ini/dbshlwz/CreateDbsHlwzMy.sql
The two 'CREATE USER ...' lines need to be commented out in case the user already exists.
SQLite database
In the executable directory, run
sqlite3 DbsHlwz.sql
sqlite3> .read ${WHIZROOT}/srcrep/hlwz/_ini/dbshlwz/CreateDbsHlwzLite.sql
sqlite3> .quit
As within sqlite3 the shell variable ${WHIZROOT} is unknown, you'll need to expand it manually.
If you are in a cross-compile environment (machines apalis and arty), you need to secure-copy a number of files to the target machine. Exemplary commands on the host machine read:
cd ${WHIZROOT} export set IP= scp -r bin/hlwzcmbd root@${IP}:whiznium/bin scp -r acv/hlwz root@${IP}:whiznium/acv scp -r tmp/hlwz root@${IP}:whiznium/tmp scp -r web/apphlwz root@${IP}:whiznium/web
Run HelloWhiznium for the first time and populate:
Hlwzcmbd >> clearAll
Use Chrome/Safari and go to, log in as 'temp'/'asdf1234'
Load initialization data.
From now you can log in as 'hlwzuser'/'asdf1234' or 'hlwzuserdech'/'asdf1234'.